The New CMO in the Age of Customer Experience

July 24, 2013, VoiceAmerica Radio

SAPToday’s buzz: CMO. Who’s calling your marketing shots today – your MBA’ed CMO or hyper-vocal/social/mobile customers? A pop quiz to help you answer. Is your CMO (a) listening and responding to social sentiment? (b) a champion of memorable experiences with your legions of brand-owners? (c) using analytics to pull signals from your big and small data? Pencils down. Before deciding whether to hug your CMO or post their job, listen to the experts: Jonathan Becher, SAP: “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” (Albert Einstein or William Bruce Cameron, “Informal Sociology”) Steve Carlotti, Cambridge Group, “Listening and reacting is what is required today, and that’s a lot harder than the planning and acting that was required yesterday.” Allen Bonde, Digital Clarity: “In B2B, it’s critical for CMOs to emphasize thought leadership and selling big ideas versus simply selling products.” Join us for The New CMO in the Age of Customer Experience.

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