Archive | October, 2009


MBWA Origins and Spinoffs

After last week’s post, Scrum By Walking Around, a reader emailed to ask if I knew the the origins of the phrase management by walking around (MBWA). Rather than replying immediately based on what I believed, I spent a fair amount of time doing Web research but the results were inconclusive. Most sources credit the Hewlett-Packard culture for…

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Scrum By Walking Around

If you’re not in software development, you may not be familiar with an agile software development framework called scrum. Scrum is an alternative to the traditional waterfall approach and attempts to simplify complex projects by structuring them in short cycles of work called sprints. Each sprint is based on prioritized customer requirements such that the highest value features…

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Less Is More

On a recent transcontinental flight, I found myself writing the phrase “less is more” in response to a 60 page PowerPoint I had been asked to review.   Although the origin is unclear, the phrase “less is more” is often associated with Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, one of the founders of modern architecture and a proponent…

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