Remember the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster? In 1986, there was an accident during a test at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Ukraine and the resulting explosion released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere. The radiation released was 400 times the radiation produced by the bombing of Hiroshima during World…
Archive | October, 2017
In Business, Informal Tribes Matter More Than Formal Teams
Not long after I joined my last employer, a colleague provided me with an incredibly important insight on how to get things done. Informal networks, she explained, were much stronger than the official hierarchy. Top-down decisions were usually met with questions which delayed their implementation. On the other hand, powerfully-connected people could implement decisions virally…
The Red Queen Effect Explains Why You Aren’t Getting Ahead
For much of my career, I’ve argued that people design key performance indicators (KPIs) incorrectly. One of my own favorite blogs made the case that, unless you compare yourself against some external benchmark, you might be making progress towards achieving your KPIs but actually losing ground. Simplistically, if you’re growing by 20% and the market…
Reject the rat race and pursue your passion
Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. — Origin unclear In American slang, the rat race is a term used to describe the exhausting, never-ending pursuit of getting ahead financially that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment. By saddling ourselves with heavy debts, we are forced to continue working at…