SAP CMO Jonathan Becher on Running Your Business Like a Multi-Billion Dollar Company

incPublished September 26, 2014 by Inc. 

SAP has undergone a big change over the last 5 years shifting focus from a product offering to thinking more about their customers changing needs. “We are taking an audience centric approach to everything we do,” says Jonathan Becher, CMO, SAP. For the uninitiated, SAP is a global leader in enterprise software with over 250,000 customers in 188 countries and more than 66,000 employees. Becher gave us his take on leadership.

1. Culture eats strategy for breakfast: “Many leaders ignore the value of a company’s culture. The best strategy in the world means nothing if you don’t have a culture to support it. We needed to stop ‘delegating up’ to our managers and instead learn to take responsibility,” says Becher.

2. Run marketing like a business: “I think ‘business first, marketing second.’ My mantra as CMO is that marketing should be run like a business, not just a division that supports a business.”

Click here to read the full interview

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