How Three Digital Leaders Overcame Resistance To Change

Published by TechTarget, May 20, 2016

Digital leaders at CBS, IBM and SAP point to culture as one of the biggest digital transformation hurdles. Rather than resist cultural resistance to change, digital leaders at SAP, IBM and CBS encouraged executives at the recent Chief Digital Officer Summit in New York City to understand its root cause and get underneath it. Fair warning: Changing the corporate mindset or culture often takes time and creative thinking.

For SAP’s Becher, cultural resistance eats up a good chunk of his time. “I’m certainly not a chief cultural officer, I don’t mean to suggest that,” Becher said, who became CDO in 2014 to lead the company’s new digital unit. “But I do think that 50% of my time is spent on deep mindset issues.” To overcome the change management hurdles, he and his team established “six characteristics of mindsets” required to facilitate change, Becher said.

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