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Newly Launched SAP Store Is Now Also Available To Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises

Published October 16, 2015 by (Turkey)Türk İnternet

At the SAP Forum Istanbul, Uğur Candan, SAP COO Turkey, informed the audience about the latest developments at SAP Turkey, reminding them that SAP does not only support big corporations, but also provides solutions for small and medium sized enterprises. He added that with HANA all users can adopt SAP’s new solutions based on cognitive computing and deep learning.

SAP’s Chief Digital Officer Jonathan Becher launched SAP Store in Turkey earlier today, a platform where you can buy and install software and applications online.

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The Role Of Technology In The Economy

Published October 15, 2015 by Hurriyet online (Turkey)        

SAP has brought together 5,000 professionals at the 19th SAP Forum İstanbul where trending topics like technology’s role in the digital economy and the effects of the digital transformation on different fields of business were discussed. During her opening speech, Zeynep Keskin, SAP Turkey General Manager, pointed out that by 2020, 75 billion devices will be connected to the Internet. “All these technological developments trigger transformation. We observe that our clients are also going through this transformation. Clients’ needs are increasing as resources start to run out,” she said.

In his keynote address, Jonathan Becher, SAP Chief Digital Officer, focused on the importance of digital transformation. “The world is going through a profound change – how we work, how we consume and manage resources, and how we experience life. The digital transformation that we are experiencing affects everyone just like the industrial revolution back in the 20th century. It is imperative for Turkish companies to adjust and transform quickly.”

Click here to read the full article. (Note: Original in Turkish)

Redefining Boardroom Key Goal For Kingdom’s Businesses In 5 Years

Published October 15, 2015 by Saudi Gazette Online (Saudi Arabia)Saudi Gazette logo

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s organizations must “redefine” their boardrooms to provide the digital sector a seat at the table by 2020 to succeed in the Digital Economy, SAP remarked Wednesday in advance of GITEX Technology Week 2015. Demonstrating the opportunity for digital transformation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, digital initiatives can boost annual growth rates and cost efficiencies of up to 10 percent by 2020, according to McKinsey & Co. However, business complexity presents a major problem, with 200 of the world’s largest companies losing 10 percent of their annual profit due to complexity, according to a report by AIM Research.

“Over the next five years, business leaders in boardrooms across the Middle East will face a tough challenge in the digital economy, requiring them to disrupt themselves or lag behind,” said Jonathan Becher, Chief Digital Officer and Head of SAP Digital, who will present on the topic of “Digital Disruption” at GITEX Technology Week 2015.

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GITEX Technology Week 2015 Drives Middle East’s Internet Of Things Business Innovation With Drones, Robotics And 3D Printing

Published October 12, 2015 by MENAFN Press


(MENAFN Press) Cloud Solutions Spur Digital Growth with GCC Cloud Market to Grow More Than Five-Fold to 2020: Frost & Sullivan – More Than 130,000 Global Technology Visionaries and Architects C-Level Executives and Industry Professionals Converge at Region’s Largest ICT Event

SAP as Strategic Partner will help guide digital transformation at GITEX Technology Week with the regional debut of the Run Simple Truck and demos of Big Data analytics solutions. SAP speakers at GTX Ignite include Jonathan Becher, Chief Digital Officer, SAP and Oliver Bierhoff, General Manager of the German National Football Team on how SAP solutions helped the team to win the 2014 World Cup.

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Grow Your Business By Choosing What To Measure Now

University_of_West_Georgia[1]Published October 6, 2015  by University of West Georgia

If you want to speed the growth of your business, you can and should guide it by choosing to measure outcomes, not just outputs. Carefully setting up key performance indicators (KPIs) and using them correctly helps you grow time, revenue, and people in ways that contribute most to overall business growth.

Jonathan Becher, a senior executive of the multinational software company SAP, put it well: “The story of what you become as you grow up is based on the KPIs you choose.” It means measuring outcomes, not outputs.

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Digital is giving rise to a new, extreme customer experience

The_Guardian_logoPublished August 19, 2015  by The Guardian

Digital capabilities are fundamentally changing every industry – from their external value chains to their internal processes. According to IDC: “No company or individual is immune to the digital disruption that is hitting our work and personal lives.”

Successful companies such as Apple, BMW, Virgin Atlantic, and Nike have already transitioned from selling products to selling experiences. The next wave of innovation will be finding ways to enhance those experiences.

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No Fear Of Being Digital

exame 1Published by Exame Magazine

Even technology companies are out on this crusade. In November 2014, the German manufacturer of management software, SAP, created the post of Chief Digital Officer.

“My function is to make the company think like a startup, with agility,” says Jonathan Becher, appointed to the post. In less than six months, Becher already launched a website to sell the company’s products and for the first time in 43 years of history SAP is accepting credit card for payment.

Originally in Portuguese

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Where Are The Digital Chiefs?

Published on June 15, 2015 by Handelsblatt7-formatOriginal

The digital revolution massively affects companies and SMEs. But while there are around 1,000 Chief Digital Officers worldwide, in Germany they are still an exception. Only at one out of three DAX companies, and only at one in seven MDAX companies, digitization is in the hands of a senior manager, according to a survey by HR consultancy Heidrick & Struggles.

SAP Chief Digital Officer, Jonathan Becher, does not sit on the company’s board, but reports directly to SAP CEO Bill McDermott. He leads the digital restructuring of the software company. Becher has founded three start-ups and has then been Chief Marketing Officer at SAP for four years. His credo: “I’m trying to spread the Silicon Valley’s digital spirit. Tackle, try and implement ideas”. According to Becher, SAP is a company that offers digital products, but some processes and ways of thinking have been far from being digital so far. SAP’s orders were, for example, still handled via paper or directly in person. Becher is now going to change that – step by step. For Wiebke Köhler, Partner of Heidrick & Struggles, the lack of bundled responsibility at board level is a sign that the digital challenge has not yet arrived in the boardrooms of German companies. “There is no silver bullet for digitalization. One digital chief alone cannot shape the transformation. The nature of the decision, the rate of innovation processes, governance structures, and the corporate culture must change,” Köhler emphasized. (Original in German)

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The Future High Performance Enterprise – A Churchill Club Panel Discussion

Published June 2015  by ThoughtWorks

What will innovative and competitive businesses look like in 5-10 years? What should companies be doing now to chart their best course?

Joanne Molesky and Barry O’Reilly, co-authors of Lean Enterprise; Jonathan Becher, Chief Digital Officer at SAP; Bask Iyer, Chief Information Officer at VMware; and Jody Mulkey, Chief Technology Officer at Ticketmaster discuss key trends and their implications for the future of the high-performing enterprise.

Click here to read the full article.

26 Software CMOs’ Thoughts on Advertising

LogoPublished by Epic Presence

There is plenty of advertising advice floating around online — so much so that wading through it could take more time than it’s worth. We thought it’d be helpful to instead get thoughts and advice straight from the CMOs of the best-marketed software-development and SaaS companies in the world.

“We get emotionally involved in stories that describe what it’s like to overcome these opposing forces. The more involved we are in a story, the more likely we will retell it.”- Jonathan Becher

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