After my posting on call centers, I received an email from a reader submitting his own recent experience with a call center. The story is so funny – and such a classic example of lack of alignment – that, with the reader’s permission, I decided to share it with you. I edited the email for…
Archive | December, 2006

Show Me The Measures
Although she’s too far away to hear me, I want to give a big shout-out to Stacey Barr from Australia who describes herself as a performance measure specialist. In the Performance Measurement Association Discussion Forum, someone named “Eke, U” asks which parameters they should use to measure the performance of a marine terminal gate. I…
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
As I talk to organizations about their performance management journey, one of the most common questions I hear is “What’s the best way to measure customer satisfaction?” I often reply with a question of my own “Why do you want satisfied customers?” My question is usually unexpected and even jarring but I am encouraging them to think…

Call Center Metrics
If you’ve heard me give a performance management presentation, you know one of my favorite topics is the pursuit of improved performance in call centers. When I first started using them as my prototypical example several years ago, organizations were in the midst of moving call centers offshore. Less expensive human agents and AI-based electronic agents…