SAP Teched Las Vegas and Beyond – SAP at the Crossroads

September 39, 2011 Enterprise Irregulars by Jon Reed

The biggest drag on the “new SAP” is in fact the “old SAP”, a dynamic that many SAP executives, including Sanjay Poonen, are keenly aware of (Poonen spoke about culture change at SAP openly during our shoot).  But as Poonen would concede, awareness is the easy part: retrofitting culture is a monstrous project. A lengthy list of departed executives who seemed to have a “new SAP openness” implies – to me anyway – that SAP still has work to do here, though SAP will point out (rightly) that many talented executives with an open style are thriving at SAP as well (Steve Lucas and Jonathan Becher, to name two, as well as Sikka and his team).


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