Interview with Jonathan Becher, SAP’s Chief Digital Officer

Published February 10, 2017 by Juan Carlos Almanza, CIO Latin AmericaCIOAL The Standard IT

During the past SAP Forum [Mexico], we had the opportunity to interview Jonathan Becher, Chief Digital Officer at SAP, who provided statements on the new wave of digital transformation.

At the outset, SAP has gone from being a company that has served large corporations to small and medium enterprises. Becher explained that SAP is now focused on addressing the digitization of things, the internet of everything, and the automation that is building more than ever. SAP aims to give its customers options and tools that can help them get a handle on the digital revolution.

Becher notes that while CIOs have been the traditional drivers of transformation, today it is the responsibility of all business parties to provide information and advance technology. “We are in the process of change. Today you can even buy products from SAP with your own credit card in less than an hour, without the need to wait for contracts to be signed.”

Click here to read the full article (original in Spanish).

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