​SAP To Deliver Data-as-a-Service With Sybase 365

Published May 19, 2016 by ZDNet.com

SAP is entering the data business with the launch of SAP Digital Consumer Insight that will rely on insight collected from the company’s Sybase 365 arm. SAP may be known as software company, a platform company, or a as a services company, but now the German business application powerhouse wants to be known as a data business, too.

SAP chief digital officer Jonathan Becher has confirmed the company is entering the data business, saying it should be no surprise to the market given that 76 percent of the world’s transaction touches an SAP system and therefore gives it access to a lot of data. “Given the ridiculous amount of technology we have for data such as HANA and Sybase technology, we have some unnatural advantages. So, we are getting into the data business but in a very consumer like way,” he said.

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