How did I do with my tongue-in-cheek 2010 New Year’s resolutions? Here’s a report card:
10. Less BlackBerry reading; more blackberry eating
Fail. I read more BlackBerry emails than I ate blackberries.
9. Avoid 2010 meaning that I traveled to 20 cities on 10 airlines
Partial credit. 16 cities on 6 airlines.
8. Leverage twitter without becoming a twit
Pass. Many of my tweets were RT’d and I doubled my followers.
7. Never use the phrase XXX2.0, especially Web2.0
A+. As far as I can remember, I didn’t do this once.
6. Leave time for writing. For fun. On non-work subjects.
Partial credit. I started a few stories but I didn’t finish anything.
5. Read the Enterprise Irregulars more regularly
Fail. I was inconsistent and went long stretches without reading at all.
4. Make sure my blog isn’t Barely Legible Officious Garbage
Pass. Traffic and comments continued to rise.
3. A moratorium on rubber chicken dinners at conferences
Success. Fewer conferences, fewer rubber chickens.
2. Make sure that telepresence isn’t my permanent presence
Pass. After too many 5 AMs at the start of the year, I went cold turkey for many weeks in a row.
1. End New Year’s resolutions
To be determined. None for 2011, at least.
Overall analysis: I give myself a light green score.