One part writer’s block and two parts schedule overload means I don’t have time to write an original post. Speedlinking to the rescue:
Over at ‘I Help You Blog’, Philip suggests 101 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle. My personal favorite is #101: Create a post with a 101 ideas.
In a relatively new blog, Michael and Barry write about many of the same topics that I’m interested in, including key risk indicators, setting targets, and the problems caused by complexity. I’ll be reading them regularly.
In Leadership: Making the Tough Decisions, Don Bulmer provides three basic steps to making tough decisions. Timo Elliott suggests how technology should help make decision making easier in the future. Technology can definitely help but I’m not sure it will ever replace intuition and experience.
The BiPM Institute believes that people become the way you treat them and recommends that every manager ask his/her employees what they would do if they were in the manager’s place. I think managers would be taken aback to hear what their employees would suggest.
And finally, Adrian complains that only 15% of UK government councils make information easier to find and consume by using RSS. Whether in public sector or for-profit enterprises, strategy is too often a secret from core stakeholders (citizens and employees). Strategy, like information, wants to be free.
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