It’s pretty common for people (and Dilbert) to poke fun at Marketing. The jokes typically come in three flavors: 1. Product Marketing and Public Relations often have amusing conversations as we try to describe products in colorful, but believable, ways. 2. Marketing sometimes has to use a little artistic license to get people interested in…
Archive | blogging
Speedlinking, May 2009
One part writer’s block and two parts schedule overload means I don’t have time to write an original post. Speedlinking to the rescue: Over at ‘I Help You Blog’, Philip suggests 101 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle. My personal favorite is #101: Create a post with a 101 ideas. In a relatively…
Wordle for MBWA, 2009 edition
I generated the above word cloud using wordle on my ten most popular posts. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of word clouds, the clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. While most of the larger words make sense, I’m surprised by the relative…
Are You Reading My Blog?
“It’s clear that Wilson’s the only person here who reads my blog.” This Paul Wood comic, which appeared in Harvard Business Online, got me thinking again about the nature of manager blogs. As I posted before, if a manager is going to write a blog, the manager should write it themselves. But should the manager’s employees read it?…
Centennial Post
This is my 100th post! I realize that it may seem a bit hypocritical for me to be celebrating a milestone based on an activity metric, rather than an outcome one. As I pointed out in a post trying to define the mission and objectives for this blog, the quality of the posts is much…
Riskfriends and Key Risk Indicators
I don’t normally promote other peoples’ blogs and instead comment on their posts or add them to my blogroll. However, I stumbled upon the Riskfriends Weblog which is dedicated “for risk professionals or people who just like risks”. Despite a little sleuthing, I haven’t been able to find out anything about the author other than…
Ghost in the blog
Recently, I was talking to this friend of mine (don’t you love stories that start this way?) who told me there’s an edict in her very-large-company that every executive should have an internal blog. The blog would serve as a way of explaining each executive’s departmental priorities, provide visibility to important issues that would benefit…
Measuring Virtual Events
Partially due to corporate sustainability reasons and partly due to old-fashioned cost savings, I’ve been thinking a lot about virtual events lately. The idea behind virtual events is pretty simple – rather than flying thousands of people to a single destination to discuss a series of topics, you have these discussions on-line. While simple in…
Achilles’ other heel
Avisen certainly intrigued me with a post called The Achilles heal (sic) of Performance Management. It’s widely agreed that many performance management projects deliver less value than originally promised. The issue is so endemic that a colleague once asked me “Does performance management have any value?” Imagine my disappointment when, after wading through nearly 1000 words of…
Timing of Blogs
One of the advantages of using WordPress for my blog is it has a decent amount of built-in reporting. For example, WordPress ranks entries by the total number of page views since they were first posted. Unfortunately, the built-in reports are limited to last 7 Days, 30 Days, Quarter, Year, and All Time. This means it’s difficult…