Author Archive | Jonathan Becher

Ideas or Execution?

Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised, but there has been an on-going debate on which is more important to an organization’s long term success: ideas or execution? Headquarter executives, strategy aficionados, and entrepreneurs often chime in on the side of creativity and ideas. Operational executives and line workers usually favor execution. Actually, debate might be too…

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Interesting Number Paradox

The interesting number paradox is a simple way to reinforce that sometimes the best way to prove something is to actually prove its contrary. My curiosity about interesting numbers stemmed from a variety of online chatter about how the year 2025 was mathematically interesting: The concept of interestingness is not actually defined mathematically but is…

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Leverage In Business

“Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough and I will move the world”— Greek mathematician Archimedes (attributed) Leverage is a concept well discussed in mechanics and in finance but less has been written about leverage in business. In mechanics, leverage involves a fulcrum (visualize a seesaw or teeter-totter) and we generally…

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The Raven Paradox: On The Value Of Information

The raven paradox forces us to question the value of information. In his 1965 essay “Studies in the Logic of Confirmation,” the acclaimed philosopher of science Carl Hempel showcased a fundamental paradox in the scientific method using the simplistic observations of ravens. He started with the statement “all ravens are black.” Expressed in logic form,…

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Time Magazine’s Best of 2024

Each year for more than 20 years, TIME has published an article on “the most impactful new products and ideas” which are evaluated based on originality, efficacy, ambition, and impact. A decade ago, I wrote about Time Magazine’s Best of 2014 and noted I was most intrigued by wireless electricity technology. Since then, wireless electricity…

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How To Write Good

Since my motto is Words Matter, I found myself researching how to write good. OK, that’s intentionally a bit provocative and some background is warranted. A friend used the phrase “Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement” so I obviously wanted to know where it originated. It’s generally attributed to Frank L. Visco from…

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The Definition of Insanity

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This well-known quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, cautions us from repeating ineffective actions or continue down paths likely to lead to disappointing outcomes. Only, Albert Einstein never said it. The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, the self-described ‘most…

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